Mission-Specific Scientific Consulting

  • Directly team with researchers to accurately and fully translate lab protocols into a flight-feasible project using appropriate hardware and operations.

  • Provide guidance on appropriate levels of industry-standard quality control and good laboratory practices (GLP) to pre-flight testing procedures, in-flight activities, and post-flight analytics to ensure the highest science standards.

  • Provide direct teaming support to guide and write proposals.

  • Provide on-site scientific support during critical project phases including sample load into flight hardware at the client lab and launch site.

  • Provide project compliance and proper documentation for NASA payload safety reviews and flight manifest requirements.

Hardware Brokering  

  • Identify, assess, and match appropriate hardware with researcher-specific needs through project-specific user agreements.

  • Provide consulting to implementation partner/payload developer teams for scientific-relevant modifications of existing hardware that addresses unmet science needs and expands hardware usability.

  • Provide researchers an additional flight hardware portfolio (not listed through implementation partner directory) that includes low-cost hardware purposed to fill gaps in research capacity.

  • Maintain a database of science results from previous missions with preliminary data and mission success rates for researchers and funding agencies to use and review.

Project Commercialization Services

  • Work with research teams during project design phases to ensure the experiments are conducted with proper industry quality control standards where applicable.

  • Provide risk mitigation services to safeguard project science through document review and proper articulation of science requirements to NASA mission planners/flight crews.

  • Assist with securing proper post-flight analyses with proper quality controls to achieve full commercial-value of a resulting research product.

Project Funding Matching Services

  • Work with start-up incubators, investment teams, and program managers to identify non-traditional funding mechanisms.

  • Team directly with researchers and labs to develop funding acquisitions plans, write proposals, and interview investors in order to acquire necessary funding that supports terrestrial and microgravity projects.