Rhodium Scientific is a Hispanic-American, woman-owned small business that is committed to advancing the quality, capabilities, and commercialization of scientific discoveries and products tested in space and on Earth. Founded in 2014, Rhodium provides access to the microgravity environment for research & development (R&D), product testing, and in-flight manufacturing. As a Commercial Services Provider to the International Space Station (ISS) and a science implementation partner for multiple private on-orbit platforms, we are capable of supporting a variety of scientific investigations and technology demonstrations in biomanufacturing, regenerative medicine, biofuels, synthetic biology, and pharmaceuticals.
From R&D to Biomanufacturing in Space
Rhodium Scientific supports diverse partnership opportunities and programs in human health and performance, microbiology, phage (virus) testing and development, technology demonstrations, cell-culturing, biomanufacturing, plant/soil science, chemistry, and regenerative medicine. Through this experience and past performance, Rhodium Scientific is pioneering new opportunities and commercial markets in space with the Rhodium Science Chamber Facility — an new platform on the ISS designed to scale fundamental discoveries and biomanufacturing in space.
Scientific Approach
The Rhodium Scientific team specializes in turn-key project management and services for scientists. We are composed of multi-disciplinary Ph.D.’s and science-focused business experts who partner with both first time and experienced researchers conducting space-based experiments. During a mission’s multiple development phases, we ensure science protocols are accurately translated from the lab bench to the International Space Station. During this process, we ensure transparency and confidence that the proper quality assurances and ground controls are implemented. As scientists, we help meet a project’s objectives by identifying the best-suited flight hardware and operational needs necessary to navigate NASA processes. With our guidance in designing, integrating, and operating investigations in space, we demystify these processes for our clients and afford them the ability to focus on an investigation’s scientific merit to obtain reproducible, quality results trusted by academia and industry.
Quality Assurance
Rhodium Scientific is setting new standards for conducting space-based research. We place high emphasis on moving at the speed of business while focusing on a mission’s commercial value. Rhodium Scientific standardizes and simplifies many aspects of integrating a project’s experimental design onto the ISS to allow for efficient, reproducible, scalable research and manufacturing in space. Science missions conducted through us include appropriate levels of industry-standard quality assurance, controls, and chain of custody necessary to facilitate the transition of space-based discoveries into commercially viable products within biotech, energy, and pharmaceutical markets.