Rhodium Biomanufacturing 02
This investigation will increase the understanding of the feasibility of biomanufacturing beyond Earth and facilitates the development of a robust space supply chain. By providing a better understanding of how microbes adapt and function in space, this investigation may support improvements to biomanufacturing output in stressful environments on Earth.
Sponsored by DARPA and the ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #Biomanufacturing #InFlightBiomanufacturing #DARPA #BusinessOfScience #ScienceInSpace #RhodiumBiomanufacturing #LaunchLife
NASA.GOV: Rhodium Biomanufacturing 02
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Biomanufacturing 02
LAUNCHED ON: SpaceX Falcon 9; Crew 7

Rhodium Biomanufacturing 01
This investigation will increase the understanding of space biomanufacturing across a gravity continuum. By providing a better understanding of how microbes adapt and function in the stresses of the space environment, this investigation could support development of measures to maintain and enhance biomanufacturing output in stressful environments on Earth.
Sponsored by DARPA and the ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #Biomanufacturing #InFlightBiomanufacturing #SpaceBiology #RhodiumBiomanufacturing #BusinessOfScience
NASA.GOV: Rhodium Biomanufacturing 01
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Biomanufacturing 01
LAUNCHED ON: SpaceX Falcon 9; SpX-27

Rhodium Crystal Preservation
This work could help provide a way to overcome the challenges of stabilizing and maintaining biological materials for research on future space missions. Creating a novel technique for preserving biological materials has potential applications for research in remote locations in space and on Earth where the ability to maintain a cold chain is limited.
Sponsored by a silent industry partner and ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #CrystalPreservation #BusinessOfScience
NASA.GOV: Rhodium Crystal Preservation
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Crystal Preservation
LAUNCHED ON: Northrup Grumman Antares; NG-17
The overall project objective is to demonstrate a workable synthetic cryptobiology pipeline for sample preparation, transfer of samples to space, execute experimental procedures in space, and preserve all biological samples that retain a function of interest.
Collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sponsored by DTRA and ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #SyntheticCryptobiology #DetectDefeatDeter #BusinessOfScience #BringingScienceSolutionsToTheWorld
NASA.GOV: Rugged Platforms for Synthetic Biological Component Transport
MISSION OVERVIEW: SpaceX CRS-24 Mission Overview
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Synthetic Cryptobiology
LAUNCHED ON: SpaceX Falcon 9; SpX-24
Probiotic Challenge
Results from this study could advance yoghurt production methods and nutritional content on Earth. The research is planned as an annual collaboration between Swinburne University and Rhodium Scientific to provide high-quality research opportunities for students in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics fields.
Collaboration with Haileybury High School and Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Sponsored by Swinburne University of Technology, ISS National Laboratory, and the Australian Space Agency (ASA) with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #ProbioticChallenge #SHINEinSpace #SYSIC2021 #Swinburne #BusinessOfScience
MISSION OVERVIEW: SpaceX CRS-24 Mission Overview
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Probiotic Challenge
LAUNCHED ON: SpaceX Falcon 9; SpX-24
Collaboration with University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Biochemistry
Sponsored by DTRA and ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #PhageEvolution #NG13 #DefiningPossible #DetectDeterDefeat
NASA.GOV: Evolution of New Phage-Bacteria Interactions from Exposure to Space Environment
MISSION OVERVIEW: Northrop Grumman CRS-13 Mission Overview
LAUNCHED ON: Northrup Grumman Antares; NG-13
Collaboration with Clemson University and University of Delaware
Sponsored by DTRA and ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #InFlightBiomanufacturing #RhodiumInFlightBiomanufacturing #NG14 #DefiningPossible #DetectDeterDefeat
NASA.GOV: Cygnus Carries Toilet, Cancer Research, VR Camera to Space Station on 14th Mission
MISSION OVERVIEW: Northrop Grumman NG-14 Mission Overview
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Inflight Biomanufacturing
LAUNCHED ON: Northrup Grumman Antares; NG-14
Collaboration with Cornell University, Freie University-Berlin, Bio365 Soil, and Deep Space Ecology
Sponsored by Norfolk Institute, Rhodium Scientific and ISS National Laboratory with support from NASA
MISSION TAGS: #RhodiumSpaceRhizosphere #SoilHealthInSpace #NG14 #DefiningPossible
MISSION OVERVIEW: Northrop Grumman CRS-13 Mission Overview
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Space Rhizosphere
LAUNCHED ON: Northrup Grumman Antares; NG-14
Collaboration with Leidos to provide quality assurance review of the Animal Care Facility (ACF) as part of NASA’s Research, Engineering, and Mission Integration Services (REMIS) contract
Sponsored by NASA
MISSION TAGS: #RodentResearch #Mousetronauts
MISSION OVERVIEW: Rodent Research-10 (SpaceX-21)
MISSION OVERVIEW: Rodent Research-23 (SpaceX-21)
LAUNCHED ON: SpaceX Falcon 9; SpX-21
Collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sponsored by DTRA and ISS National Laboratory with support by NASA
MISSION TAGS: #RhodiumSpaceMicrobiome #SpaceMicrobiome #DetectDeterDefeat #SpX20
NASA.GOV: NASA Highlights Science on 20th SpaceX Resupply Mission to Space Station
MISSION OVERVIEW: Rhodium Space Microbiome (SpaceX-20)
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Space Microbiome
LAUNCHED ON: SpaceX Falcon 9; SpX-20
Collaboration with iButtonLink
Sponsored by DTRA and ISS National Laboratory with support by NASA
MISSION TAGS: #RhodiumTempLog #DefiningPossible #DetectDeterDefeat #NG14
NASA.GOV: Overview for Northrop Grumman's 14th Cargo Resupply Mission
MISSION OVERVIEW: Variety of Life and Physical Science Investigations Destined for the Space Station Onboard Northrop Grumman CRS-14
NASA MISSION OPNOM: Rhodium Science Templog (NASA MAPTIS Part Number: RhST-20iB)
LAUNCHED ON: Northrup Grumman Antares; NG-14